Echanges internationaux — Institut de Formation en Soins Infirmiers à Annecy
  • Région Rhône-Alpes

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Institut de Formation en Soins Infirmiers
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Institut de Formation en Soins Infirmiers à Annecy

Echanges internationaux

Programme Erasmus+

For several years now, IFSI Annecy has been part of a desire to open up to international internships. This is why the Institute turned towards the ERASMUS+ programme and obtained the Erasmus Charter in September 2019 (Key Action 1 KA1). First, IFSI promotes outgoing mobility for internship purposes for nursing students as well as outgoing and incoming mobility for academic staff. The objective is then to develop incoming mobility of nursing students from Erasmus+partner countries.

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Erasmus+ Charter

The Erasmus Charter provides the general quality framework for European cooperation activities between IFSI Annecy and others Erasmus+partner countries.

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